Harriet Hope born at 00:05 on 17/07/04, weighing 7lb 13½oz

First Three Months (Most recent photos at top.)

Harriet does have the best smile:-)

Dads doing their bit.
(JL & Neil doing all the hard work!)

Alicia and Harriet getting to know each other

Getting to know Auntie Jo.

Harriet gives Daddy top tips for his tennis final.

Mummy and I going for a walk.
Thank you Auntie Jo for the hat!

Looking at patterns, my favourite activity!

Sleeping Beauty

Nana and me

8 weeks old, but I still
don't know what my arms are!

Me with proud Daddy and Grandpa

I like yellow; it makes me smile:-)

So small!

Nearly 6 weeks old now!

Harriet meets up with
her friend Jamie at a BBQ

Harriet with Mummy.
Stylishly dressed by Daddy!

Kate P and Cathers come to visit
Harriet doesn't always look impressed!

2 weeks old now!

Harriet is a very good baby,
but she does complain when she's hungry!

1 week old.

First day home.

In the hospital.
Less than 1 day old!